Monday, February 12, 2018

The Power of Online Sharing

This is Rhianna. She's my daughter. :-)

We battle regularly about technology. Mostly how to create presentations. She's stuck in the slideshow mode. You get a slideshow! You get a slideshow! Everyone gets a slideshow.

I almost have to force her to use a different tool for presentations. Last year, she had to research a famous Arkansan and present the information to the class, including photographs. She chose Catherine Tharp Altvater. She chose to research Catherine because she loves art. If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you've probably seen a picture or few of her jewelry. Catherine Tharp Altvater was a painter, mostly watercolor.

Picture courtesy of

For her presentation, I showed Rhianna how to use PowToons. Since many of her teachers weren't using Google Classroom much at the time, I had her post her PowToons presentation to my YouTube channel for easy access. She was also able to quickly search for the video to share with classmates.

A few months ago, I received a Facebook message from someone asking about the presentation. It was Catherine's granddaughter! She saw the video and reached out to Rhianna. After messaging with me for some time, she offered to send Rhianna an original watercolor painted by her grandmother!

It was so cool to see how responsible sharing online could result in that connection!

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