Monday, December 5, 2016

Stakeholder Advocacy: James Babb

The Devil's Backbone author and Arkansan, James Babb, has shared his story of being a reluctant reader at a few conferences around our state. During the Arkansas Association of School Librarians Summer Conference in July 2016, James shared his story and insight with school librarians. Many left in tears, inspired by heartfelt struggle with reading and how he came to fall in love with books. As conference chair, I cannot count the number of people who approached me after his session telling me how wonderful and inspiring he was (many with mascara streaked faces). 

Right now, school librarians are on the cusp of not knowing what will happen to our programs. School libraries are losing certified school library media specialists to state-granted waivers for the position. With ESSA on the brink of being fully implemented, now is the time to advocate hard for our students and our programs. 

I asked James to share his story with me so that I could share it with you! 
The library/media center is the heart of all schools and a qualified media specialist keeps that heart beating in a steady rhythm. They create programs that encourage students to read, train kids how to research correctly, collaborate with teachers, and schedule important events. While there are many more things that media specialist do, one of the most important things is putting books in the student’s hands, not just any books, the correct books!
Media specialist interact with nearly every kid in school, they learn the likes and dislikes of each student. They know which are reluctant readers, which are struggling with grades, which are suffering from peer pressure or problems at home, and they find the appropriate books at the right time and get them in front of the student’s eyes. 
I was a reluctant reader as a child, until the right book was given to me at the correct time. As an author, I’ve worked with many media specialist. They cannot be replaced with unqualified help who would rather play games on their phone than make a difference in a child’s life. They are invaluable. They are irreplaceable.

Please, speak to your stakeholders about how important having a certified school librarian at each campus is to your students. Ask your students to share why they love the library, what they have learned, or even what they would do without one!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

School Library Advocacy: My Soapbox

So, today I'm attending a Professional Development session to give an overview of #ESSA and #ESSAlibraries. If you are not familiar with the new ESSA, please go to the U.S. Department of Education website and read about it. Seriously. Each state has a steering committee that will be making recommendations in which way their state will support the law. Here is Arkansas's Steering Committee

At the moment, each state will be making their own statements about how they will be supporting ESSA. It states that an effective school library program is "allowable". ALLOWABLE. Not mandatory. Not necessary. ALLOWABLE.

Our programs are more than ALLOWABLE!

In my opinion, every school librarian needs to take a moment to contact the steering committees to discuss how an effective school library program can meet and improve the needs of students. NOT what it does for you? What does it do for your students?

Prepare an "elevator speech"; a 2-minute speech that you can give to any stakeholder willing to listen. Be able to share your impact on student achievement. It needs to show growth and achievement. How does your learning community use and share your space? What do you want to show? Share a story and key data. Share information, such as:

  • circulation stats
  • who uses your library daily; # of students during free flow or flex schedule times
  • meetings in the library; showers; PTO; special classes & events
  • lessons
  • digital & print resources
  • budgets (are they adequate?)
  • collaboration
  • professional development specialized for school librarians
The American Association of School Librarians has compiled official position statements for school librarians. 

As a school librarian, your advocacy should involve:
  • knowing your stakeholders
  • form local and state coalitions 
  • think outside the box (asset map)
  • be able to connect school libraries to ESSA & student achievement
Basically, in order to advocate for your school library program, you need to be familiar with ESSA and LOUD about what your school library does to benefit your learning community. Advocacy isn't bragging or whining. It is providing information about your program to your stakeholders. 

Who are your stakeholders?
  • Governor
  • State legislature
  • State boards of education
  • Local educational agencies
  • Representatives of Indian Tribes located in your state
  • Teachers
  • Principals and other school leaders
  • Specialized instructional support personnel
  • Paraprofessionals
  • Administration and other staff
  • Parents
  • School Board members
  • Local and public libraries
  • Businesses
  • Vendors
  • Universities and University Department Heads
  • Boys and Girls' Clubs, school clubs
  • Local groups (i.e. Kiwanis, Lions Club, etc.)
  • Chamber of Commerce and Chamber of Commerce Educational branch

Be an advocate! 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Lesson Plan Format

When we find that one amazing lesson plan template we love, we find it hard to use anything else. Our district utilized the 5-part lesson plan template. I really liked it, but we started a new curriculum, and the template fell to the wayside. I had a hard time letting go. I even updated it to include the 2013 standards for K-6 Arkansas Library Media.

During one of our faculty/staff weekly meetings, my principal fell in love with the way the standards are in view immediately. She shared the template with the rest of our faculty/staff. Our Dance Teacher has modified it to include her standards!

Since I co-teach with the fabulous Denise in the computer lab, I added a place to put the subject of her lessons. I also highlight the standards I teach  in yellow and the standards she teaches in green.

Please feel free to utilize the templates, with credit to the author (of course).

Ashley's Lesson Plan Template Folder

*Thanks to for the Lesson Plans .png!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Ask and Ye Shall Receive...Sometimes

This summer while working on our library remodel/redesign, I completed a word cloud in a large picture frame that is attached to the wall with the worlds strongest glue.* Since the frame isn't going anywhere until the apocalypse, I decided I might as well make use of the space. I've always wanted to create a word cloud graphic, but never had the resources or time to do it. I made some social media pleads with a few friends, and Michelle (kindergarten teacher) volunteered her time and Silhouette machine to help me cut the vinyl and stick it to the walls. She cut, I stuck.

It ended up taking about 6 hours total. I did the design using Google Drawings. If you've never used Google Drawings for posters...or anything...seriously, you're missing out. Easiest quick design program EVER. Our 4th graders used it last year for their Famous Scientist Posters.**

The Silhouette machine doesn't have the exact fonts that I used, but we were able to come close. Beggars can't be choosy after all.

Left: frame with random squares that were glued with industrial glue forged from the fires of hell...except that one rogue square that fell off every 2 days.

Right: Frame without random squares. I ended up painting the inside of the frame with white Kilz since we were priming all of the painting surfaces that color. The walls are an off-white/ecru/eggshell color, so the white makes the words really POP!

While working, several teachers made their way through to the laminator, just to stop in and say hi, to grab books for their classroom. Each commented how cool it would be to have one for various things. Many of our teachers have personal cutting & crafting machines like Silhouettes or Cricuts.

As you can see, the word cloud isn't exactly like my drawing, but I think it turned out great! We also ended up adding "connect" and "share" into the frame to fill in some spaces we thought were a little to open. "Connect" is in yellow above the word "Books".

I proposed that we purchase one for the library for teachers to use for their classrooms. My principal asked that I justify the purchase. Below are 12 Ways a Silhouette Can Be Used at School. Trust me, there are way more possibilities that just 12.

I also included this little note along with my 12 reasons: Silhouette machines can be used to cut paper, card stock, material, vinyl, and more. It does require an online program, which makes the features and designs truly unlimited, especially with the scan and cut feature which allows the operator to scan any printed design into the machine to be manipulated and cut. It can run on a computer in the library or computer lab. Teachers would be required to supply their own materials to be cut. Several teachers that own a personal silhouette have stated that they would be happy to show us the “tricks” of making it more efficient and easier to use. The only materials that will need to be replaced on the machine regularly are the cutting blades and cutting mats.

My request was approved, and my Silhouetted starter kit bundle was delivered last week. Software has been installed, and I've been playing with the program some. I have two super awesome teachers who have agreed to stay late one day after school to show me some tips and tricks to get started. The P.E. teacher has already ordered vinyl and has a list of some things she would like for the gym! I'm so excited to get started helping our teachers better organize their space and create fun displays, work areas, and more for our students!

If you have a Silhouette or Cricut in your library, I'd love to know how you and your teachers use the machine. Leave me a comment! Great minds think alike. Greater minds share their ideas! (quote by me)

Saturday, July 16, 2016

It's Time for a Change: Follow-up Part 3

I am very lucky to work at a school campus that feels like family. One where I can ask almost any teacher for help and they will willingly agree, no questions asked...well, very few questions asked. We have such a talented art teacher who is willing to go out on limbs with me when it comes to collaboration and making spaces feel fun and inviting for students.

Outdated, boring, primary-looking wall

When I asked her to help me paint, she agreed. When she saw the designs I wanted, she seemed skeptical, but cheerfully when to Home Depot to look at paint swatches with me. When I choose colors, brushes, and grabbed a gallon of primer, she pushed the cart through the store.

No more animals. Framed future word collage.

So, this is the part where dreams become reality. No turning back. The paint hit the wall, and it was done! We had several moments of doubt.

  • Are you sure you had permission to paint?
  • Is this really what you want?
  • Are you SURE?
  • Do you think Mrs. Allen (the principal) is going to freak out?
  • Like seriously, she said it was ok to paint?*
Day one of painting was spent mainly priming the walls and making sure the book shelves were completely covered. We decided to add some color to the space behind the TV. It's on the opposite wall, and it adds a lot of color to the room and really ties everything together. 

Prep & primer

Day two, we were able to get the media lab wall and main library wall started. My daughter loves to paint and helped me work in the media lab while the fabulous Kate tackled the main library wall.

Day two painting

On the third day, we finished out the main wall and did some touch-up work around the edges. It turned out amazing, and we all love it. Kate informed me part of the way through today that she had never done a wall mural before. This was her first one. None of the teachers or students have seen it, so I'm *patiently* waiting to hear their opinions. 

In the words of Stevie Wonder...Isn't she lovely? Isn't she beautiful? Isn't she precious? We still have to tackle the framed word collage and vinyl lettering above the bookshelves. Computers are in the lab...but not wired, yet. Denise will be working on that next week while I'm in PD sessions and at the ArASL Conference. I can't wait to see everything completed and kiddos enjoying hanging out in the Library Media Center!

*Painting the walls is prohibited in our district without permission!*

Friday, July 8, 2016

It's Time for a Change: Follow-up Part 2

Have you ever watched H&G TV shows like The Property Brothers? Ya know how they kick people out mid-remodel telling them that owners often get stressed during the remodel because everything looks so not-finished. The owners freak out at how un-done everything actually looks. I grew up in a family of men who did some type of home remodel/construction work. I'm used to the not-done look....on other people's property. Apparently, on my own property, I'll freak out and have a mini panic attack.

I went to the Media Center earlier this week to check on the progress. I'd been gone to Colorado for a week, so in my mind things should be almost finished and ready for me to start painting. Here's where the mini panic attack comes.

Missing ceiling tiles.
Furniture not removed.

I have very faith and all confidence in our maintenance department. Our awesome Media Center will be done soon!

Next up: Kate and I start painting walls next week! I've pinned some ideas of what I'm hoping to accomplish. I am by no means an artist, but luckily I have the best art teacher in the world willing to help! More updates soon!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

It's Time for a Change: Follow-up Part 1

The last few days of each school year are always spent in a flurry of packing, moving, trashing, sorting, and basically running around like a chicken with your head cut off. That's such a pretty picture. You've heard the saying, "There's no tired like end-of-the-year-teacher-tired.". Let me tell you, this year was particularly rough on me.

It was decided early on in the school year that we were definitely going to be moving the computer lab into part of the library that was utilized as a storage space, making it a true LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER. So, those last few days of headless-chicken-teacher-tiredness were coupled with removing and entire room of shelving, storage items (many were so out-dated that the dumpster gobbled them up), and rearranging.

We had planned to remodel the library when I decided the old decor needed to go last summer. I put some students to work (with supervision, I assure you) taking down the wall decor and scraping the glue away from the cinder block. They asked to do it, it was in no way, shape or form, punishment!



I have some ideas rolling around on a Pinterest Board of what I hope and dream for the wall repaint. Luckily, I have my amazing Art Teacher and super talented daughter gnawing at the bit to get their hands on some paint brushes and a gallon or two of paint.

Now for the fun moving of the lab. I visited earlier this week and again today to see the progress. I'm a very hands-on kind of person, so when the electricians and cable guys are telling me they have it all under control, I worry. Plus, Denise and I really wanted to have a say in how the lab turned out. I mean, we are the ones going to be using it after all.

So far, it's a blank canvas! We had the cable guy come sketch a mock-up of what we wanted, and it seems to all be right on track.

View from the left side front (entrance to Guided Reading book room)

View from the back. The shelving along the wall has been removed. The projector and screen will be on the front wall where the shelf and green/purple crates are. Sadly, the shelf has to go, but we will be replacing it with an identical one that is shorter. You can't see it, but it's on the wall right behind those shelves.

View from the doorway behind my circulation desk. The middle marker board has been removed to accommodate a monitor. Please ignore the art supplies hanging out in the back! For some reason we also have the pottery kiln in the library back there.

I'm very excited to have this opportunity to remodel and redesign our space a bit. I know that it won't all be brand new or 100% what we envision. But it's a start! I'm hoping to see circulation and library usage increase with the redesign of the space. Large grade-level groups utilized the library for presentations last year, and I'm hoping to draw more into the area this year with a more fun, funkier feel!

I'll keep you posted on the progress!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Professional Organization Site Hack by ISIS

Earlier this month, I was notified that the Arkansas Library Association's site was hacked. We knew that our stored information (work address, email address, etc.) was compromised. Our site administrator began to take every precaution he could to update the site. At the time, we did not know who was responsible for the hack, just that it had happened.

Earlier this week, our Executive Director was contacted by the FBI. Apparently there had been multiple hacks into small rural organizations by ISIS that appear to have no connection. The FBI does not seem to be too concerned but have said to keep an eye out on your accounts and change your password for the site. The site's URL has been relocated and updated. Every precaution has been taken to keep our members safe.

If you notice any suspicious activity, please contact Ron Russ and Lynda Hampel.

To read the Newsweek article, click here

Friday, April 29, 2016

Students' Right to Vote: Selecting an Award-winning Book


Here in the state of Arkansas each year, students have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote. During each school year a set of books that have been nominated for the Arkansas Diamond Children's Book Award and Charlie May Simon Children's Book Award are made available. These books have been selected by a committee through the Arkansas State Library. The criteria for voting is also set by the same organization: be a student in the state of Arkansas and read at least three books from the current list. Students are able to vote each spring. *I'm so glad the committee pushed the voting back last year until May (testing season ruined our voting the previous years.*


This year, during voting season in our library, I decided to add a little ~flare~ to our system. When adults vote, they receive a sticker to wear proudly proclaiming that they, as American citizens, have exercised their right to vote.


 I decided that we, as students in Arkansas, should have that same option! So, I created a simple sticker using an Avery Label template and some printable labels. I really wish I could have printed in color; however, printing 537 labels in color would have used quite a bit of toner. The kids seem to be just as happy with a plain Jane black and white sticker.

They have been so excited to proudly wear their sticker and tell everyone "I voted today"!

Our voting procedure for Arkansas Diamond:

1. We read books in the library, computer lab, and other classes.
Art class read The Blessing Cup and did a project with it. Computer lab read My Lucky Birthday and created invitations; they also read The Day the Crayons Quit and wrote letters to their favorite crayon. Some students even wrote to the crayons in the book to apologize for Duncan's behavior.

2. We vote using Popsicle sticks.
Each student is given a stick. They place their stick inside a cup that has been set in front of each book. I count the sticks each day and tally them at the end of the week.

3. Students get a sticker for voting!

Our voting procedure for Charlie May Simon (4-6 grades):

Students utilize a Google Form to vote.

Monday, April 11, 2016

I Guest Lectured a College Course....and Survived!

We all have our fortes in teaching. Some school library media specialists are fantastic story-tellers. Some are great at teaching research skills. Some are great at giving book talks and encouraging students to step out of their comfort reading zone (this is me). Some are great at teaching the tiny humans in kindergarten and first grade (not particularly me). Some are great with the sarcastic, somewhat strange middle school aged children (this is me).

A colleague of mine teaches an Intro to Education class at the University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville (UACCB). One of her lecture periods was intended to be for "Grouping Strategies and Technology in the classroom". She asked if I would be interested in guest lecturing since I am a Library MEDIA Specialist. I agreed, all the while questioning my decision. Why in the world would these new teacher candidates want to hear ME speak about technology in the classroom and grouping strategies? It's a good thing I'd just attended the AAIM Conference!!!

I survived lecturing for over an hour on different websites that teachers can utilize for grouping, creating random name generators, and creating seating charts. I also included some really cool web tools that are just plain fun to utilize in the classroom.

Check out my presentation below.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Conference Planning

Well, this is the first time I have ever been in charge of something this big; and let me tell you, it hasn't been the easiest thing I've ever done.

BUT I am proud to announce that this year's annual Arkansas Library Association conference will be held in Little Rock at the Holiday Inn Airport Conference Center on July 21-22, 2016. I am excited to say that Nikki Robertson, co-founder of #tlchat on Twitter, will be one of our keynote speakers.

Dinner this year will take place on Thursday July 21st at the Little Rock Zoo and feature an animal Meet & Greet, Zookeeper Chat, and keynote presentation! I have also been working with the Hillary Clinton Children's Library on setting up a tour of their campus since it is right around the corner from the LR Zoo.

The conference will provide a possible 12 hours worth of professional development opportunities to attendees, not to mention the collaboration, networking, and sharing that goes on between sessions. Sessions and topics are still in the planning stage. So, if you have some fantastic ideas, lessons, activities, websites, or gadgets you would like to share with your colleagues, be sure to complete a Session Proposal Form. And, as always, we welcome and love vendors!

Can't wait to see you all this summer at conference!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

#DLDay 2016

Digital Learning Day (#DLDay) is February 17, 2016. So, what is Digital Learning Day? Read the following exerpt from Digital Learning Day's Website to learn more...

What do we mean by digital learning? 

Digital learning is any instructional practice that effectively uses technology to strengthen a student’s learning experience. It emphasizes high-quality instruction and provides access to challenging content, feedback through formative assessment, opportunities for learning anytime and anywhere, and individualized instruction to ensure all students reach their full potential to succeed in college and a career.
Digital learning encompasses many different facets, tools, and applications to support and empower teachers and students, including online courses, blended or hybrid learning, or digital content and resources. Additionally, digital learning can be used for professional learning opportunities for teachers and to provide personalized learning experiences for students.
Digital learning advances school reform by increasing equity and access to educational opportunities, improving effectiveness and productivity of teachers and administrators, providing student-centered learning to ensure college and career readiness for all students, and recognizing teachers as education designers.

Why celebrate Digital Learning Day? 

With so many new types of digital devices, educational software and mobile apps continuously developed, it’s hard to keep up with the latest and greatest advancements in educational technology. In some classrooms and out-of-school programs across the country, educators are doing some pretty amazing things with technology. Yet, these pockets of innovation are confined to a small number of schools and communities. Digital Learning Day was started as a way to actively spread innovative practices and ensure that all youth have access to high-quality digital learning opportunities no matter where they live.
Started in 2012, Digital Learning Day has provided a powerful venue for education leaders to highlight great teaching practice and showcase innovative teachers, leaders, and instructional technology programs that are improving student outcomes. This grassroots effort blossomed into a massive nationwide celebration as teachers realized that Digital Learning Day is not about technology, it’s about learning. It’s not about laying off teachers for laptops, it’s about enhancing the role of the teacher in America’s classrooms. Digital Learning Day promotes the effective use of modern day tools afforded to every other industry to improve the learning experience in K-12 public schools.
- See more at:

To celebrate here at West, I've created a video of some of the amazing things we have done in the Media Center and through collaboration with classroom teachers to create digital learners.


Monday, February 15, 2016

Read Aloud with Arkansas Diamond

Each year, our kindergartners through third graders read books that have been nominated for the Arkansas Diamond Children's Book Award. It is inevitable that some students will miss hearing one or more of the books if they are absent. This year, I decided to create a playlist of the books so that students can go back and listen to those stories that they miss. This has also been helpful for students needing to reread a book before taking the AR quiz.

Our students are proficient at navigating to our school's website, particularly the Computer Lab and Media Center pages. We utilize that virtual space often to host our lessons and utilize our online subscriptions.

I've been adding books to the playlist as we read them in the library, computer lab, or art class! I'm happy to work in such a collaborative teaching community that assists me with the reading and voting process of the Arkansas Diamond Award.

I have been able to find some read alouds on YouTube; however, some have not been available, so I have created a video for those. My new document camera records (yay for new technology)!

You can also find the presentation for the Charlie May Simon nominees, as well as, my favorite books and other trailers by clicking on the link embedded in the above picture!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

No Limit

Why I've thrown away my circulation limit....

Well, it started last year when an adorable, overly competitive classroom of second graders were vying for the AR Most Words Read Trophy for their classroom. Prior to this event, Kindergarten through third graders were only allowed to circulate one book at a time. book was NOT enough for these kiddos. I was seeing most of their faces every day, sometimes twice a day. They were reading animals. It opened up a great discussion between me and their classroom teacher.

Did these students truly need to circulate multiple books at a time? Were they responsible enough to keep track of more than one book? And the biggest question, were they actually reading all of the books that they circulated?
The answer was, yes. They were.

The teacher and I decided on a trial run. We chose the most responsible students, who were also the most advanced readers, to check out two books at a time. It was a total success. As word spread of the magical second graders with more than one library book, I began to have the same conversations with other students' teachers.

It was amazing the amount of students that began to circulate more than one library book successfully. Did I still lose a few? Of course. Who doesn't? I want to meet a librarian that doesn't lose a book here and there! I believe she will have some goddess-like name and be cloaked in magical fairy dust that enchants the kids into bringing back their books without question, loss, or damage. (In other words, that person doesn't exist.)

I still use this practice of no limit for students who show the need for accommodations. Isn't that what teaching is all about? Making accommodations and adjusting to student need?

I love having upper elementary students come to me before a long weekend and request to check out 3 or 4 books because they "might get bored". No joke. Happened the Friday before the 3-day MLK weekend, and she joyfully marched into the library Tuesday morning to return two of the books.

I have one class of first grade students this year that are circulating their books at home. This is the first time I have ever had first graders ask to take their library books home!* I was so excited last week (and also very nervous). Again, I discussed the possibility with their classroom teacher, and we decided that there were a handful of students that were not ready for that responsibility. However, it has given those students something to work toward! I love seeing students set their own goals!

What's your circulation limit? Do you have one? Is it hard-fast and set in stone? Why? Think about your students. Are those hard and fast limits really necessary?

*Kindergarten through third grade students utilize guided reading books. Those books go home on a regular basis. As a group, we decided that K-1 should keep library books at school to read while taking home guided readers for practice since they work on the skills with the GR books in small group. Having library books in classroom book boxes adds a little variety during independent reading time.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

File Cabinet: 10 Things We've Done This Year

We have had a busy year so far. Working with a new program design within the library and performing arts program at our school has put me behind on posting (typical...I'm also a procrastinator).

Here's a little recap of some of the marvelousness we have done so far this year.

(side note: Google says that "marvelousness" isn't a word, but I say "what does Google know?")

1. Learned how a computer works by tearing stuff up! 
So much fun! Who doesn't love a good deconstruction project?

2. Learned genre identification by playing "I have....who has...?"

3. Began some maker-space time during Lunch in the Library. 
Students loved making necklaces and bracelets with leather strips and beads. Our art teacher even joined in on the fun (thanks Miss Kate). Students also made good use of old CD's and DVDs by creating scratch art. We now have a maker-cart that is full of craft supplies and games. Students utilize the supplies on the cart any time they come in during lunch.


4. Began a hidden treasure hunt. 
Treasure tickets are hidden in approximately 50 books throughout the library. All directions to play are on the ticket. Students have been so excited to cash in their ticket for free books!

5. Learned shelf order with these really cool cards. 
One side is fiction (alphabetical) and the other is Dewey Decimal (numerical). Classroom teachers appreciated that these lessons reinforced classroom learning, such as, place value, alphabetical order, numerical order, etc.

6. Won a Fitbit at the Arkansas Association of School Librarians Conference! 

7. Had visitors! 
Author Maria Hoskins came to speak to Kindergarten through second graders about her published works and the inspiration a writer can find in their everyday life. Also, Santa made a pit-stop on his way to the gym to visit our kiddos.


8. Started a new program design. 
Students in 5th and 6th grades are part of our new program design. Co-teaching technology classes in the computer lab with our *fabulous* computer lab instructor has truly allowed these students to focus and hone their technology skills, preparing them to be valuable members of our society. Check out the cool internet safety poster that was created. This is just ONE of the many, many great projects these students have created.

 9. Said NO to bullying.
We participated in an anti-bully campaign with t-shirts designed by a student in our district.

10. Explored working in a Learning Commons
We have explored the Library Media Center as a Learning Commons area: a place where students and teachers can come to learn together, utilizing the space for large group presentations, small group work, and independent study/research. Students in third grade presented information about Christmas celebrations in other countries. It was so much fun to see the entire third grade sharing with all of their classmates and presenting their information.

 BONUS: I was attacked by a G.I.Joe and a triceratops....or they were found laying in the floor. Whichever you choose to believe.

I promise to elaborate more on some of these fantastic activities and keep you all up-to-date on our new activities and shenanigans in our library.

By the way, today is International Kiss a Ginger Day. So *MWAH* from this ginger librarian!