Friday, February 24, 2017

Lesson Plan: My Teacher is a Monster

I typically begin teaching with our state award nominee books after the Winter Break holiday. I want the books to be fresh in the students' minds when they vote. I also typically have various classes read the books to reinforce the fact that ALL subjects can incorporate literacy and reading. Plus, sometimes it's just nice to sit down and read aloud to students with no expectation of a lesson being learned other than enjoying a good book.

Our state award is the Arkansas Diamond Children's Book Award. The criteria for voting is that the voter must be an Arkansas student in grades K-3 and have read or listened to at least three books on the list. We easily do this each year. There is often one or two books that I am unable to read because of Snowpocalypse or Icemageddon; however, I record books and add them to my YouTube Channel for students to listen to at their leisure! This allows students to make-up books that they missed due to absences, special events, ect.

So, to this lesson...
Mrs. Denise, our computer lab instructor reads at least one book from the list each year and incorporates a technology lesson. This year, she read My Teacher is a Monster (No! I'm Not) by Peter Brown.

After students listened to the story, they when to Paint on their computers. You could also use Google Drawings if it is available. Students used their mouse skills and creativity to create their teacher if he/she was a monster! They were so creative. During the lesson, Mrs. Denise also reviewed the terms of some of the tools within the program. She built on each grade's knowledge of computer skills: flipping objects, resizing images and tool selection, changing colors, etc.

Check out some of their awesome monsters!!!


Thursday, February 16, 2017

File Cabinet: 10 Things We've Done This Year (2016 edition)

Again, what a busy year!? I've tried to update as much as possible, but with moving the lab into the library media area, writing more for various educational companies, I just haven't had the time to update here nearly as much as I should.

For almost daily tidbits of my ramblings and library happenings, follow me on Twitter @AshleyCooksey2.

1. First Day Frog
First day of school. First class. Kindergarten.

The enter from an outside door. I keep hearing a student repeat "frog" over and over and over. I assume it's some form of kindergarten kid thing and ignore it. I then realize that the teacher is blocking the door so that the kiddos can't enter...because there was a frog sitting in the floor. She said she didn't want the mass chaos she knew would ensue if she let them into the room with the frog. Poor guy was fine and release safely out another door.

2. ArASL Summer Conference Fun!

I was fortunate enough to be appointed into the position of ArASL Conference Chair. I planned the summer conference to include a tour of Hillary Rodham Clinton Children's Library and keynote dinner at the Little Rock Zoo! Not to mention, our fabulous keynote Nikki D. Robertson! Super fun and informative conference, even if I only got to peek into a few sessions.

3. I met a mermaid!

No caption necessary! 

4. I petted a wallaby!

So, I was following some people at the Mountaintop Zoo in Colorado Springs. They went through a gate. I went through the gate. I then assumed I went the wrong way because there were several wallaby hopping around. As I turned to leave, I heard one of the zookeepers say, "you can pet them, just don't touch their face or neck, they will kick you." Fun times. Super cute!

5. I've added to my toy collection.

Last year, I was attacked by a triceratops and a G.I. Joe. This year, I've added more #LibraryFinds to my collection. It's amazing what you find when you clean shelves BEHIND the books!

Last year....

 This year....     Displaying 20170216_153114.jpg

6. We started self check-in!!!

This has been a total life saver! I'm so glad we ventured out of the mail/drop box and are having students check in their own books. Not only is it teaching them responsibility in returning their library books, but books are circulating much better!


7. Hour of Code T-shirts

My administer allowed me to purchase a Silhouette for our library! I was stoked. I've cut so much vinyl and decor for our teachers! This year, we participated in Hour of Code and designed a t-shirt for each day of the week.



8. e-books

Second graders learned to use our e-book collection this year. They loved being able to share books with their family and read on their devices at home and on the go!

9. Newspaper Features

Our program and team were blessed to be featured a few times in our local newspaper. The first story printed was about our BreakoutEDU sessions and speaking to the School Board. The second story I wrote. Each campus in Batesville has the opportunity to write an article for publication highlighting a department, event, or special aspect of their campus. My administrator asked that I write about our technology department and integration here at West! I love being able to share and advocate for all that we do here in the Library and how it impacts students.


10. Collaboration with Local Public Library

Our school librarians were also fortunate enough to collaborate with the local public library, Independence County Library, on a community-wide event. The event was also featured in an article published in American Libraries!!!

This is only a sampling of what has happened this year for A Ginger Librarian! Stay tuned for more!