Well, this is the first time I have ever been in charge of something this big; and let me tell you, it hasn't been the easiest thing I've ever done.
BUT I am proud to announce that this year's annual Arkansas Library Association conference will be held in Little Rock at the Holiday Inn Airport Conference Center on July 21-22, 2016. I am excited to say that Nikki Robertson, co-founder of #tlchat on Twitter, will be one of our keynote speakers.
Dinner this year will take place on Thursday July 21st at the Little Rock Zoo and feature an animal Meet & Greet, Zookeeper Chat, and keynote presentation! I have also been working with the Hillary Clinton Children's Library on setting up a tour of their campus since it is right around the corner from the LR Zoo.
The conference will provide a possible 12 hours worth of professional development opportunities to attendees, not to mention the collaboration, networking, and sharing that goes on between sessions. Sessions and topics are still in the planning stage. So, if you have some fantastic ideas, lessons, activities, websites, or gadgets you would like to share with your colleagues, be sure to complete a Session Proposal Form. And, as always, we welcome and love vendors!
Can't wait to see you all this summer at conference!